Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another post.

The week at uni was like clockwork. The weather there is erratic. Its chilly during the night, and its worse in the morning. But it scorches in the afternoon.

During the Cabin Interior lecture.

Ah, this is a classic.

Came home to a wet and gloomy evening.

And I just remembered about tomorrow's friendly at CHS. Table Tennis is the game. PCCG vs Bangsar CG. Reason for that venue is because its nearer for those Bangsar ppl. Thanks Em, for reminding me.

Will be at CHS in the afternoon too, to attend the Easter Rally.

The sun rises on a beautiful Easter morning. Shot during the Calvary Church Easter Sunrise Service held at the National Hockey Stadium about 2 weeks ago.

On a random note, Pieter Vink is a total arse.

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