"Watcha doin?"
I remember. (:
It really sucks when people create their own derivations of what you say and it differs from what you meant.
I'm truly upset.
And I am sorry.
1 Blurted back Labels: Emo
The President’s Cup English Debate 2009 was held from the 8th till the 10th of July. We were the host for this year’s Cup. The format used is the Asian Parliamentary style.
Just a short introduction. There two opposing teams in an Asians format of debate.
1. Government/Preposition side- proposes and defends the motion;
2. Opposition side- refute and negates the motion.
Our campus was represented by 2 teams, MIAT 1 and MIAT 2. I’m the 1st speaker/Prime Minister for MIAT 1. Below is the summary of our journey.
[Round 1 Preliminaries - MIAT 1 vs. MIIT 1]
The Motion: This House Should Go For Nuclear Energy.
Government/Prepostion: MIAT 1
Opposition : MIIT1
Outcome: Lost
We defined the motion by narrowing it down to countries that have already achieved first-world status. It was a close debate. Adjudicator’s decision was a spilt 3 to 0. We lost the round. Was pretty annoyed because our points were strong, and the opposition’s case had no mechanism. But they won because they were more convincing and they had good rebuttals, quoted the adjudicator. Nonetheless, it was a good round and a nice wake-up call indeed.
[Round 2 Preliminaries – MIAT1 vs. MITEC2]
The Motion: This House Believes That Mat Rempits Should Be Whipped.
Government/Prepostion: MIAT 1
Opposition : MITEC2
Outcome: Win
First round loss had a significant impact, and we were pretty fired up to take the 2nd round. We defined the motion by stating that they should be whipped according to their age limit and also the severity of the offence. The opposition was unable justify their argument; therefore our proposal was barely negated by them. They went on to commit a royal suicide by agreeing our points of information. The point difference between the 2 teams was a 12-7-7, which is considered a thrashing. (: We were satisfied.
[Round 3 Preliminaries – MIAT1 vs. KMK]
The Motion: This House Believes That The English Language Should Be Used To Teach Science And Maths. (PPSMI)
Government/Preposition: KMK
Opposition : MIAT1
Outcome: Win
This motion was a lil biased to the government’s side. It was a fair battle. They raised up issues about competence in the world today where English is the primary mode of communication, whereas we defended our case that our national language is our pride and identity and till today, there’s no positive results in school which clearly shows that students are still struggling to learn Science and Maths in English, proving precisely why it is to be abolished by 2012. We quoted strong examples such as Japan and Russia, where the national language is used in all levels of education, yet they still excel and thrive in their various fields. We edged them just by margin of 1 point.
[Round 4 Preliminaries – MIAT1 vs. KMKN]
The Motion: This House Believes That University Students Should Not Be Involved In Politics.
Government/Preposition: KMKN
Opposition : MIAT1
Outcome: Win
The proposal by the government had many loopholes, and we exploited and thrived on that. Only their 1st speaker was good, whereas the other 2 speakers had serious confidence issues. Their 3rd speaker tried to give an extra definition to their proposal, which further cast them into doubt. Failure to convince the adjudicator and flimsy rebuttals were their downfall.
[Quarter Finals – MIAT1 vs. BMI2]
The Motion: This House Believes That Scary Photos On Cigarette Boxes Is Not The Way To Go.
Government/Preposition: BMI2
Opposition : MIAT1
Outcome: Win
The toughest round for us. We were up against a team that was coached by former top debators, and they also had a weapon in the form of “Kat” Ammar, the best speaker of the recent ARAU Open Tournament. But their weakness was the other 2 speakers, who didn’t support each other’s points. Not to mention their whip who stirred up the wrath of our whip, Mr. Arjuna, who proceeded to give a pretty nasty 7-minute tongue lashing, rendering BMI2 speechless and visibly shaken. We won on a very slim margin, was told that the decision came down to the reply speeches. Nonetheless, a sweet win indeed.
[Semi Finals – MIAT1 vs. MIAT2]
The Motion: This House Would Share Healthcare Research Discoveries.
Government/Preposition: MIAT1
Opposition : MIAT2
Outcome: Lost
This round was awkward, but fun! We were up against our own teammates whom we practiced and trained week in, week out. We had strong points and a good mechanism whereas the opposition had none and they thrived based on rebuttals alone. It was quite a relaxed round. But we failed to link it and thus, it was left floating. But we felt pretty relieved that we lost because quite frankly, MIAT2 stood a better chance of winning the final. It wasn’t selfish desire to win the round; whoever proceeds to the final doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, the primary purpose is to retain the cup.
[Grand Finals – MIAT2 vs. MICET2]
The Motion: This House Believes That Proton Should Have A Foreign Partner.
Government/Preposition: MIAT2
Opposition : MICET2
Outcome: Win
MIAT2 lived up to their expectations, recording a streak of 7-0. They have not lost a single round, no mere feat. The finals were pretty lopsided, with MIAT2 clearly owning MICET2 in terms of case mechanism, construction and points. MICET2 raised issues on patriotism, but was easily rebutted by MIAT2 who used status quo against them. Nonetheless, it was a split decision of 4-3.
-The End-
The whole tourney was a certainly enlightening experience, though it was really stressful at the same time. Made friends and enemies, trash talked to the moon, did loads of nonsense and the like. (: MIAT1 achieved 3rd placing, we were very happy of our progress till the semis. And the cup stays with us for yet another year, thanks to MIAT2. (: Good job, guys.
The host for next year’s tourney is at the Royal College of Medicine, Perak (RCMP).
Watch out. We’re out for blood. RCMP will be owned just like everyone else.
And I saved the best for last. We did it without Osama. Hehe. (:
1 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
2 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
The art of making wise choices has never been mastered by anybody, purely based on the simple fact that perfection has never once been attained. After all, to err is only human. Hence, the possibility of our choices to sporadically sprout undesirable outcomes and consequences is, indeed, an everyday thing.
To sum the above in one word... Mistakes. Screw ups. And the list goes on.
I once read somewhere that good choices are the result of making bad choices. How true. But then again, this doesn't necessarily apply to all scenarios.
Anyway, we must learn, because the action of repeating one's mistakes over and over again is the simple definition of utter stupidity.
Moving on.
After a long hiatus because of the Paroimia production, cg resumes at Emily abode. Josh's birthday. Whipped cream. Sorry Winson, you were asking for it too. Heh. (:
Shot the cg video the following day. Same place. Video is darn lame. So lame till one take was good enough lol.
In the evening, it was Sammantha's 21st cum farewell. It was quite an experience emcee-ing the event. A few mistakes and slips here and there, but otherwise it was fine la. Have fun in Scotland, woman. Its been great knowing you after all these years. And be good!
The end of the semester approaches at a worrying pace, and not far behind it is the the much dreaded finals, its unforgiving dark line already visible on the horizon. There's quite a load to study and feed upon during the upcoming prep week in 2 weeks time, given the wide syllabus scope. I need the nerd bug to bite me now. And bite a few times, if possible. One bite won't do shit for me.
The exam schedule sucks. There's a needless 4-day break between the 1st day and 2nd day of exams. The 1st paper, Aircraft Structures, is on 3rd June, and then the next paper is on the 8th. Hydraulic & Pneumatics. Well, at least there's ample time to do any last min prep.
The weather is still in the suck mode. Even the taps spew warm water.
And this movie is quite a good watch, if you like thrillers.Its revolves around a family who are terrorized by 2 men. They make the family play deadly games with them, with devastating outcomes. Naomi Watts character is much more interesting here compared to her pathetic role in The International.
Its yet another hsemate's birthday today. The flour and egg storm is brewing. Gotta go prepare.
Till then, folks.
1 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
The insane amounts of my crap that you had to endure.
The many problems I gave you.
The times that I let you down.
The disappointment, the painful consequence of my disobedience.
Yet your love for me never wavered, not the tiniest bit. Ever flowing from that forgiving heart of yours. (:
And I salute you, Mom.
Love, always and forever.
Your son,
Stephen Lim.
Blessed mother's day.
6 Blurted back Labels: Dedications
Asraf's 23rd. Mayhem ensues.
Of Eggs, flour, water and lots of running and laughter. (: At 2 in the morning. The neighbours probably have a pretty safe level of tolerance, or they're just plain deaf. Once, even their Kia Carnival, parked inside their house, wasn't spared. Joe's egg projectile missed its target and went splat on it. Sthoopid fella had a crappy aim. For that, prompt clean-up was very essential to avoid any awkward confrontations in the morning after.
And unfortunately when that happens, the oldest in our house is usually the sucker receiving all the flak. Sorry dude. Hehe.
Mucking around and nonsense is generally the order of the day in the house.
Living outside is so fun. Made merrier when living with people full of crap by the bucketloads. (:
Quoted Jun, "I'D GO APESHIT ON YOU!!!"
Said to me, on one random afternoon. I super blur that time. o_O
Oh btw, apeshit = ballistic. Something I found out not too long ago.
Anyway, these few days its so hard to nap in the afternoon. Why? Cuz the neighbour has been making his house bigger. The workers incessant drilling and hammering is driving us dudes up the wall. So noisy lar. Prolly now is our turn to be tolerant, esp the fella who lives downstairs. He gets it way worse, as he's closer to the work site. Sad case.
Sigh, the heat has been blistering these days. The weather seems to have gone cuckoo. Dunno what happened to them clouds or rain. Humidity has peaked due to it too. Hot hot hot. Number of times I bathed is crazy.
Oh, and my snooze times has changed.Yours truly. (:
That's all for now. May's schedule is looking bleak, with all the extra classes and final projects. Not to mention the final exam prep too.
Will blog whenever I'm free then.
Till then. (:
0 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
When the darkness fills my senses
When my blindness keeps me from your touch
Jesus come
When my burden keeps me doubting
When my memories take the place of you
Jesus come
And I'll follow you there
To the place where we meet
and I'll lay down my pride
As you search me again
Your unfailing love
your unfailing love
Your unfailing love over me again
This is the song has been in my head for quite awhile already. Good Friday. Saturday. Easter.
Simple yet so full of meaning.Death. Resurrection. Love. Saving Grace. Mankind.
Moving on.
Events. Firstly, the UTAR Easter Rally aptly titled, U-Turn: A New Beginning. Went with Osama. Boy, it was undeed funny when people asked his name. Lols. Got invited by Pearlyn aka Ms. Stephanie the shopaholic. I've to say, the drama was actually pretty good. Sorry Turfy, no photos though.
Watched Fast & Furious 4. It was an okay okay movie. Nothing new, though. And there was only 1 puny race. And Letty died. Wth.
Been really busy with practices as the dates are drawing nearer. Yesterday was the shooting for the DVD. Lagi hectic. Hopefully no blackouts on the real day, lest the ensuing mayhem befalls everyone.
And I finally cut my hair. After 4 months. The first haircut of the year 2009, woohoo. Super short though.
Ah yes, the phone.Thanks, Aunty Melinda. Love it.
Final projects, assingments and presentations are the order of the week.
So long, folks.
2 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
I've got nothing to do now, so I shall blog. Just got back from futsal with the cool people, was super fun indeed. (: We play futsal at ungodly hours, when most of the world is asleep. And yes, crazy nuts is what we are, coincidentially the game was indeed a tad crazy too. Haha. (:
Whoa, time is one heck of a fast-moving thing for sure! Its almost April already. Easter is just around the corner! And no, Shaun, I do not observe Lent. (:
Supposed la, to be midterms this week. But its all so chillax here. Mandarin oral was on Monday. It was hilarious, really. Animals, was the topic that was covered. Got la monkey, kangaroo, giraffe, camel, leopard, deer, wolf, crow etc. Wth.
The debate scene. I've taken a temporary break, for now. Am bent on working and brushing up on my gray areas in time for the upcoming President's Cup in July. Style used is the Asian Parliamentary. In the future, will probably give the British Parliamentary style a serious thought though. Unlike the usual 3 a team in the Asian, its only 2 for the British. More challenging. And arghh, gotta read, read and read more. AUDC, AUSTRALS, WORLD'S (WUDC), WUPID. A boy can dream. (:
Paroimia. Our upcoming Easter production by the Youth Ministries of FGA KL.A production on the biggest budget yet. And it is good. And believe me when I say so. So if you're free on the 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th of April, do drop by and witness for yourself the tale of colours. :) Click here for more info.
On a random note, the shotgun has been dormant for way too long. I have nothing to shoot nowadays. If you feel like bleeding, don't hesitate to give me a call! Will arrange a meet-up and prolly shoot you. Maybe to death? LoL. :D
Watched this.5/10. Storyline was fine, but the action was too little. Pace was too slow too. And there's zero chemistry between the two lead casts, which was a tad disappointing. Oh wells. The Fast & Furious 4 opens next Thursday. Can't wait! (:
That's all for now, folks. (:
2 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles
The week has been busy. With practicals, lectures and the like. Won't be blogging alot these months, due to the lack of life in me lol, not too mention the impending assignments and midterms which is just around the corner.
Shit, midterms. Very much disliked.
Anyways, am currently on a high now. We won the Dean's Cup, an intra-uni debate tourney. Osama, Jun and me. Best speaker went to Osama. (: The same team will be leaving for the UITM Open tomorrow morning, minus me though. I ffk-ed them at the 13th hour due to the mission trip to Raub which is also on this weekend. I hope Sammy Eto will be able to fit in seamlessly with those guys. He's the best I could find anyway. All the best wei, Peeking Shit and Smurf. (:
And agreed, WD sucks. Buffalo still rocks. (:
Lastly, I just wanna say that the both of you has taught me much, and I appreciate it. (:
Till then, folks.
3 Blurted back Labels: Scribbles