Wednesday, December 3, 2008


In a lousy bid to de-stress...

Monday night, after the Electronics paper. 10.20pm.

A good movie overall, though I can't say much about its helpfulness in reducing the stress level.

All my friends curled up in a fetal position on the cinema chair practically throughout the movie. And mind you, they are all supposedly tough guys. They practically watched the entire movie through the slits in between their closed fingers, because their hands were covering their eyes. A few of them even yelled halfway through it. And furthermore, these people are used to the horror-gore genre.

And to see them like that was absolutely pure gold. :) Laughed my butt off after that.

And yea, the movie is a good heart-stopper, with the scare tactics at the right places and at the right time. I admit, I was pretty grossed out myself too.

Sigh. It's 4am and I'm blogging. Taking a break from revision.

And the download speed of my torrent client hit the sky too. :)

Click to view a larger size. Samuel, this is the reason why you should be using this. Haha.

Getting back to my notes now. Gah, some life.

1 Blurted back :

  1. Anonymous said...

    Bunch of sissys :P