Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blackout and a bee.

Tuesday night. Blackout.

The whole Sepang district.

So the whole area was plunged in total darkness.

The absence of the moon didn't make anything better too.

So we waited. For the power to come back.

So while we waited...


The victim was Jo. It was his 21st birthday on Monday, but didn't get a proper um, thrashing.

He was pelted with eggs yesterday but I guess that didn't suffice.

So about 10 of us gangbanged him during the blackout.

Poor fella.

Anyway, the power came back just in time for the Arsenal vs Milan match.

It was a great game. No English club has ever won at the San Siro, making victory all the more sweeter. And Milan were the current cup holders too. Well, no more I guess.

Anyway, while I was in my room, housemate barged into my room screaming, asking me what was in his right ear.

And this was what I found.

Apparently it had buzzed into his ear while he was peacefully sleeping. Poor fella was rudely awakened by the sound and the sharp pain that followed.

Had to pull the sting out of his ear. It hurt a hell lot, could tell that from his facial expression. Ear was swollen not long after that too.

Quite a painful experience for him.

Anyways, that's pretty much about the week.

You're so loved.

0 Blurted back :