Home for the weekends after a hectic week of uni. Hectic, because of the midterms and presentations.
Stress-o-meter skyrocketed on Sunday night itself. I went back to the house, only to be greeted upon arrival by the sight of my housemates sweeping water out of the living hall to the door. Lots and lots of it.
The whole house was a swimming pool.
Constant waterfall at the stairs too. Wth.
I was told that my room wasn't that bad. But when I stepped on the plastic carpet covering my floor, I could hear the water beneath it. Those guys were so wrong. My room was equally bad, if not worse. Not to mention the further damage to the flooring too.
Spent the next few hours cleaning up.
And it was exam week. Sigh.
The rest of the days were fine. Wednesday was the busiest though. Had Mandarin in the morning, the Aircraft Handling presentation in the afternoon and it was Airframe at night.
Came back on Thursday night, straight after my Malaysian Studies paper, which was pathetic.
Friday was spent with her, and it was the cell as usual at night.
Going to bed now on an early Saturday morning. =)