Movies and a very troubling thing.
When I'm done with lectures, unbelievingly completed those darn assignments or when I'm not on the phone.. Time, these few days, was killed by...
P2. Horror slasher flick by Alexander Ajas, the same guy who directed The Hills Have Eyes. It was nothing to shout about though, pretty normal horror movie with the usual scares.
Hitman. Missed this movie due to the Aussie trip. Movie is nothing close to the popular game. Too little blood and gore. Lol. A good attempt overall though.
Rendition. A movie about lost people, as in, missing. Think Flight Plan and The Forgotten, but with a little twist.
The Heartbreak Kid. Romance comedy starring Ben Stiller. Stupid comedy, but worth the watch.
So yea, been catching up on flicks whenever I'm free.
Other than that, its mostly all about lectures, assignments and those calls which I look forward to. =)
Anyway, on a worrying note.
I've been experiencing bouts of vertigo lately.
Vertigo. It is often incorrectly associated with dizziness, but its not. Its different, and in a bad way too.
It sucks like shit, considering that the body is rendered extremely weak during the attack and nausea cruelly kicks in due to the spinning of the current state of sight. Everything spins and swims. Cold sweat breaks out. The feeling is very incapacitating.
It doesn't help when it comes midway during lectures or when I'm doing some assignment. And one bout may last for a few hours. And it comes without warning.
Sigh. I don't know what triggers it. Yea, the feeling is something similar to getting high but then again I do not pop those things. So I'm kinda perplexed on how and why I get it.
I wish it would quit bothering me and go away.
1 Blurted back :
vertigo is also a bloody awesome u2 song bro!
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