I sat down and took a moment. To analyze and ponder. To reflect.
About me. My life.
The achievements, aspirations, current state of mind and being, etc. Questioned a whole lot of things. My priorities, responsibilities and what not.
I gave everything a thought. And I came to a conclusion that some decisions have to be made, for the greater good. Hard, yes, but it is for my own good.
I will work hard in the self improvement dept. Making an effort makes the difference. =)
Some self assessment. I needed one.
Anyway, other stuff. Numbered, to show that they are not related to each other.
1. The guys have flown off to OZ. Will miss them.
2. Regarding the attitude, something has to be done. That individual will never know the fault unless we make it known, no matter how defensive that individual may be. That is just a risk that has to be taken. This has been going on for a pretty long time, and it sucks. Its pretty evident that most are fed up already. The frustration is building. And using someone as a scapegoat? Who's buying that? Nobody.
3. The apple better stop it. The past is, in very plain truth and sight, is indeed the past. Forgiven, yes, but that doesn't mean that you can go around being an absolute itch in the arse. She needs time, after what has happened. But sadly, your actions doesn't coincide with what you said. A thorn in the flesh that is pretty hard to get rid of, sort of like. I stayed out of it cuz its none of my business. But its going on and on relentlessly.
Just some food for thought though. She's my girl. I love her to bits. Mess with her. And you're shish kebab.
4. Cell. It was great meeting up after so long. And i sincerely apologize for the grammar error. It is not on purpose. What was running through my head, I do not know.
5. The 30-page report of Ground Handling and Safety Procedures that I'm working on now is draining me. Maybe Aircraft Marshalling is a better option. Oh well.
6. To a certain Benji Winston Terrylane, may you rest in peace.