Saturday, January 19, 2008

Goings On.

First week of uni has gone by. Not too bad, I suppose. But the timetable's messed up. Wait, make that 'very'. Adminstration sucks too. Same goes to the academics dept. But at least I have Friday off. Hopefully it stays that way.

Lecturers for the respective classes were downright boring. One class even started with a lecturer talking about I.Q, and he insists that it stands for Intelligent Quantity. Psssft.

Even a moron (the lowest level of the Mensa grade) will tell you that I.Q stands for Intelligent Quotient.

Oh well. I shall refrain from banging that poor dude. He's the Cabin Design lect, btw.

On a brighter note, it was good seeing my classmates. Super nonsense bunch.

Came home on the usual Thursday.

Went out, chilled, had fun. The usual.

Result of an afternoon at Midvalley today.

Next week looks a lil promising cuz Wednesday is a public holiday. Woohoo. My case, every off day counts.

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