Study break.
Went back to uni this week for some replacement classes due to the mystery of the sudden disappearance of some of my brainy lecturers. And they all came back not too long ago. So all the classes that we so happily missed had to be replaced due to the credit hour system or something like that.
And this week is (supposedly) my study week, means we get a week off. (again, supposedly)
But because of the replacements, I had to spend 3 uneventful days at the uni. But I had the Engineering Drawing finals yesterday.
It wasn't as hard as we all thought it would be. I really thank God. I remember spending 3 long hours just to complete one super complicated drawing for my midterms. But it took me only an hour and 50 minutes to produce 2 inch-perfect drawings for my finals yesterday. Talk about speed.
And not forgetting grace too. =)
So that's the end of Engineering Drawing (finally). Its duration is only one semester. Thank God again for that. Now just have to wait for the results, praying fervently that I will make the grade. I don't wanna retake this subject next semester if I can help it.
Anyway, I came home yesterday evening. It was so hot back at the uni, but it was pouring on the way back. Its kinda nice to have the cool breeze that comes after the storm. A definite welcome change from the scorching weather back there.
Gotta prepare well for the rest of the papers that are yet to come. Them finals are this Monday, actually.
Ah, last but not least. The surviving pet of mine, happily dozing away.This is for you, Jan.
I just had to put it up to irritate you. Hahaha.