Tuesday, January 2, 2007


First post of the year. It has been good so far. Ended the new year at Countdown service in church ( see? so good boy. Not like doinks like Daniel who chose to go to The Bengkok [Curve] for countdown.) before going to a suite at Ritz Carlton, Starhill to chill with Yihzer (grandson of the owner of Starhill) and gang. Had Southern Comfort (wasn't much of a comfort really, though it was abit sweet) and Jack Daniels on the house. But i was the first to fall asleep at 5am on New Year's day due to sheer exhaustion and my good friend's thoughtfulness of applying the phrase "my cup runs over". The rest of them slept about 8am or so. Poor fellas. Went home later at about 2pm to flop into bed to catch some much-needed sleep.

At night, was at aunt's house for a Bbq dinner of some sort. Fooled around for awhile before going home and back to sleep. What a day.

0 Blurted back :