Monday, December 4, 2006


Was just thinking about it the other day. So i decided to write my thoughts about it. Here goes. Existing in a morally confusing world isn't really fun. I think. We disagree about right and wrong, of course, and why not , since we have at one time or other disagreed about almost everthing else. Terrorist may believe they are doing right when they hijack planes and kill hapless passengers in cold blood. you may believe they are doing a terrible wrong against humanity. So, you and the terrorist disagree. Does the fact that you and the terrrorists do not see eye to eye mean that neither of you can be correct?

Come on now, lets reason together. Do we live in a world where nobody is ever really right or really wrong? Is human life a moral hodgepodge, a bedlam of conflicting feelings, where nobody's opinion on right or wrong is ever any closer to the truth than anyone else's opinion? I don't think so. In fact, the worst thing we can do for the human family, in my opinion, is to leave right and wrong up to everybody's sovereign gut feelings.

Don't we sense the moral factor in life when it comes down to it? For most of us, it is an intuition we could not deny if we wanted to. We cannot wash it out of our souls anymore than the ocean can wash away its own bottom lol. We see morality in life simply because our humanity is in touch with a deep design for how human beings are meant to treat each other.

0 Blurted back :