Tuesday, December 26, 2006


2nd post of Christmas day. My cousin, Jee Wen, is staying at my house for a night. He's 19. Currnetly studying at RMIT in the field of psychology. Very soft spoken dude. Awesome guy. Talks like an Aussie though. Can't blame him, he's been there for the past 12 years ( not like some people, go there few months already got oh-so-obvious fake accent...). He even gave up his Malaysian citizenship (sucker no i.c haha). Now he's an Australian. Stupid traitor. Lol. He's a freethinker. Been trying to bring him to Christ but he's very skeptical and cynical. Argh. He came to church once but he got so bored. He came for the Christmas presentation though. That also was because he needed to shoot it for his dad (my uncle) back in Australia. Well, i hope uncle Ching likes it. And thanks for the present too. Appreciate it. And yeah, Jee, u better buck up on your chinese. Its really pathetic. Haha. Thats all for now. =)

1 Blurted back :

  1. NinG said...

    apa lah u..ur chinese also... =.="